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Leadership Coaching, Workshops, & Retreats for Educators

hosted at Maggie's private event space or at your school.

Maggie's Experience

Riley Results is a coaching and facilitation company, owned and led by Maggie Martin Riley. The work and services are generated from a commitment to inspiration, support, and the belief that we each deserve to be our best.

Maggie is a 13-year veteran educator and served as a school leader for seven years. She is a certified Integrative Holistic Coach with over 3,000 hours of training and experience. She’s a parent and her #1 core value is SERVICE.
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Leadership: The embodiment of your best for the betterment of the whole.

Why Invest in Leadership Coaching?

Consider taking a deeper dive into accountability through the leadership coaching if your team experienced the following “pitfalls” in leadership:


  • A block to improvement and growth

  • “It’s just the way it is.”

  • What does equity work have to do with me?


  • The sense that there is a moving target and nothing you do is enough

  • Educators as victims to the system

  • Everyone is nice but no one is saying anything


  • Does my work really matter?

  • Can the system be changed?

  • Who’s lead am I following?


  • Disconnection from why you became an educator

  • Joy is elusive and the school culture relies on talk about burnout and overwhelm

  • Focus is fleeting and conviction is absent


  • Excitement about new curriculum or method for instruction only to not make observable change

  • A lack of clarity leaves you uncertain of what really matters

  • Too many voices, an absence of LEADERSHIP

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“When you know yourself, you do better by those you serve.”

- Maggie Riley

Leadership Coaching Guiding Principles


Leaders must go first in their own work of self-knowledge and discovery in order to be the most powerful and compelling version of themselves. This is being a leader of self.



Leaders must get clear on what they are up to in their leadership so they have a road map for their own excellence and impact.



Leadership requires clarity. Leaders must learn to see drama thinking and find ways to get clear because drama kills connection and takes us out of what we are creating on behalf of kids.



Leadership is what you make it. It can be thrilling, impactful, and full of joy. A life of leadership can be marked by strong boundaries and a clear sense of purpose. The opposite is also, of course, true.

The invitation is to be responsible for leading from a place of rest, energy, and resilience because in burnout we are outside of service.



Transformational leadership happens when leaders are committed to their core values and vision for impact, not to the Culture of Nice or the Culture of Brutal Honesty.

Too often leaders have been told they can control how others feel. This is a manipulation and takes schools off-course. Values-aligned leadership means seeing the person we are leading as capable and taking the next right action.


What My Clients Say

“The Leader of Self workshop has taught me that the source of leadership is always inside of me, inside of each of us. This work is designed to teach you how to pull the right pieces of leadership out of yourself to meet the moment. What kind of leader do you need to be during a pandemic? What kind of leader do you need to be the next year? This work taught me to find the answers to those questions in myself and I saw it do the same for our leadership team.”

Kirsten Frassanito, Principal

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