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Writer's pictureMaggie Martin Riley

The hottest 🔥gift of 2024...and it’s meant just for you

Hey Friend,

The holidays are here and the count down to the new year is on!

And you know what trap I see way too many leaders fall into - even as they consider resolutions and new goals?  

It’s believing that there’s some part of their work that is unavoidably terrible.

It’s the land of “that’s just the way it is.”

It might be  . . .

  • A tough dynamic with a boss

  • A rude rapport with someone you manage

  • A team that can’t collaborate and work well together

  • Long days that seem unavoidable

  • A packed schedule that has you eating lunch at 4:30

While your particular struggle is important, for the sake of this message, the situation itself doesn’t matter.

What matters is that it hasn’t yet occurred to you that you can have a totally different experience.

Now what do I mean by “it hasn’t yet occurred to you?”

The biggest mindset blocks that hold us back are the ones we can’t see or perceive.

The belief itself is so deeply held or accepted that the source of the trouble doesn’t come into our minds as something that we can change.

Imagine being in a coaching conversation with me and you’re telling me about how you eat your “lunch” when you finally have a break from meetings at 4:30.  If I asked you why you didn’t eat sooner, when you first felt hungry, you might say something like this.  “People put meetings on my calendar so I don’t always know when I can have a break and I end up going from one thing and rushing to the next.  I can’t help it because the schedule is often set by people higher up from me and I can’t say no.  It’s not even worth talking about because that’s just part of it.”

Sound at all familiar?  Or maybe something like it?

When we truly believe we don’t have ANY WAY to change our circumstance, we have a fixed belief.

A fixed belief is the opposite of possibility.

And when leaders start disconnecting from possibility . . .

  • Possibility that they could use their time better when they had the chance to refuel and recharge

  • Possibility that a team could recreate their working dynamic 

  • Possibility that their creative ideas could amplify the impact of their work

  • Possibility that that they could be the kind of leader who holds clear expectations and leads with kindness and integrity

When possibilities like this start getting cut off, that’s when the experience of burnout and overwhelm creep in.

It’s when we start daydreaming about retirement or quitting our jobs to work at Starbucks.

So the best gift we can give to ourselves this season is that of reconnecting with POSSIBILITY and the firm reminder that NOTHING is “just the way it is” and nowhere is it written that leaders who suffer do the best work.

The world needs you and it needs your POSSIBILITY.

Cheering you on now and into the new year!



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