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We’re more alike than we often remember

Writer's picture: Maggie Martin RileyMaggie Martin Riley

 ...It’s an inroad to connection

For the past sixteen years I’ve been an educator and worked with educators.

I’ve witnessed deep commitment to work that feels like a life purpose and calling, observed and felt the stress and aggravation that comes with working in a large system, and felt challenged and amazed at the complexities  of working with a team of adults who all come from unique life experiences.

And I really believed that we, the Educators, were unique in the challenges we faced.

The other weekend I went to dinner with my brother and sister-in-law.  

My brother Zach works for a start up and my sister works as a leader in a large hospital.

You know what they talked about?

  • Work that they cared deeply about but didn’t want to feel overwhelmed or burned out by

  • The frustration that comes with trying to pair wise strategy with the human, adaptive needs of a team

  • The desire to lead and do their work from a place that feels aligned and authentic to them

Perhaps we, the Educators, are not quite as special as I had imagined.

Perhaps we all share far more of our fears and hopes and frustrations and desires than we remember most days, those days that we move through life on autopilot, consumed by our own inner world.

I felt angst-y this past weekend,

  • Frustrated by a relationship dynamic that I feel powerless to shift

  • Overwhelmed by the constant nature of parenting (my kids wanted waffles on Saturday and AGAIN on Sunday, not to mention to essential meals in between that they looked at me expectantly for)

  • My brain shifting to my work to-do list while simultaneously chastising myself for not being grateful for the present moment with my family 

I could have sworn I was special and alone in these concerns.

That is until I wake myself up and remember we are all in this unfolding mystery together.

My friends, I have both loved and, at times, felt deep frustration with EDUCATION.

And I now feel ready to expand my identity and to serve in a way that speaks to how wildly similar and united in our human experience we all are.

Going forward, I will continue to coach and facilitate.

And I will be a present and deeply committed partner with any leader who cares a whole lot about the work they do AND who cares about being present and alive to their life beyond the work day.

As a success and mindset coach for high-performing leaders,  I will be working with leaders across the spectrum of purpose driven work in a highly supportive 1:1 model.

If you’re here, I know this support is for you.  And I know it’s packaged in the most supportive and impactful way to date.

If you feel ready and called to get more partnership and support in your deeply human challenges

  • With your team and those you lead

  • With your manager and the structures around you

  • With your family (Lord knows partnership and parenting REQUIRE leadership)

  • With your health in your heart and in your body

  • With your soul because it’s likely your soul that lead you to your purposeful work in the first place

For the month of October, I’m offering a free 1:1 coaching call for high-performing (YOU!) leaders.

The Supported, Successful Leader Call is a full hour dedicated to supporting you with the most pressing, persistent, or painful issue you’re facing in leadership.  

We’ll work it every which way so that after an hour together you have a new way to approach this challenge, one that feels possible, inspiring, and like one of Oprah’s enviable “Ah-Has.”  What’s more, you’ll freaking FEEL differently at the end of our time together and I’ll make sure you leave with at least one practical tool you can implement immediately to bring change and transformation to the problem you presented. 

This is NOT a sales call.

It’s a highly focused coaching call designed specifically to get great leaders the results they want to help them become excellent.  

To step out of the crisis and stress culture of your work and step into more supported and values aligned leadership, book your free hour long coaching call HERE.

You deserve to feel successful and supported in your leadership.

And I would consider it an honor to be your coach.

Cheering you on,



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