As leaders contributing our time and talent within institutions, we’re in a near constant process of figuring out who we are as leaders and our aligned actions…
While also figuring out how to best follow the prescribed leadership actions from the institution.
It’s tricky only in that it’s a process of integrating these two realities.
Who am I and what do I believe?
What does my organization believe and say I should do?
It’s important to have both answers.
A few weeks ago I shared that I got into an accident as a result of not listening to my intuition.
This wasn’t a thought.
It was an embodied knowing.
We all have this talent and it might have been a part of what started us on our leadership journey.
We knew in our bones the right thing to do.
What I find is that as expectations and multiple voices and the desire to do a good job within an institution increase - it can have the effect of turning down our innate ability to hear ourself.
Does this resonate with your experience? When you're done reading, comment. I’d love to know.
If this is speaking to part of your experience, I have a weird but truly simple strategy for you to try that might dial back up your embodied wisdom and leadership.
Here it is:
Notice when you need to go to the bathroom and then go once you notice that feeling.
Strange, right?!?
Here’s why it works.
This simple practice puts us back in the habit of being in tune with our bodies AND once we notice a need from our bodies, we can honor ourselves by meeting the need.
This trains our bodies and brain to check in more with each other.
It also reinforces self trust.
“Body, you send me a signal and I will listen.”
This message will cause our body and its natural wisdom to start working with us more.
So your challenge is this:
Pay attention to when you need to go to the bathroom
Once you notice, GO
Don’t wait for the IEP to end or the parent to leave your office, just excuse yourself and say you will return
Do this for one week and see what you notice
And if you’re thinking I’m coaching you to stop following the leadership guidance of your institution, let’s move toward an integrated understanding.
Our ability to take action as leaders within institutions will be enhanced when we bring our internal leadership to the game. This, in turn, will enhance the wisdom of the institution.
It’s a BOTH/AND situation.
Or, better put, a WIN/WIN situation.
So this week, GO when you need to GO and let me know how listening to your body GOES!