The day before a national election can have us all keenly aware of uncertainty.
Today, we’re all uncertain of who our next president will be.
We’re uncertain whether or not:
They’ll do a good job
They’ll enact policies that take care of our families
Our country will find peace and connection or greater unease
And you likely know that Uncertainy’s friend is often Anxiety.
Anxiety is born of our worry about the future and our disconnection from the present.
So what are leaders to do in times of Uncertainty and Anxiety?
Well, to make a gloomy topic gloomier for a moment, it might be useful to ground in the constant of uncertainty.
Really, any given moment or situation has an uncertain outcome or impact.
It’s just that we find ourselves cleverly disguising this truth. We imagine that we can predict or know or control. And it’s true we have influence but we don’t have certainty.
What does that leave us with?
I’d like to argue that making peace with the constant presence of uncertainty can set us free as leaders.
When we let go of imagining that we need to know everything, be certain, draw absolute conclusions before the data is in, we can usher in an experience of leading with creativity, optimism, willingness, and curiosity.
As leaders, our job isn’t to absolutely know, it’s to create space and a culture of doing good work amidst the mystery that surrounds us.
Wouldn’t it be a great relief to remove the pressure of being certain?
Notice the lightening of your shoulders.
And before I sign off, in case anxiety is visiting you this week, here are my best tools for support and gentleness that you can try out:
Reduce media consumption. Take news alerts off your phone. We have no moral obligation to listen to each news update.
Get out for a walk often. It can be short or long but the rhythmic movement of taking one step then another is soothing to our nervous system.
Bring space to your calendar. If an appointment or meeting isn’t urgent, don’t schedule it until next week. Use your white space to read a professional text, blog, or favorite email 😉OR schedule time to check up on your favorite people.
Sing (loudly) in the car. Our favorite songs have a way of lifting our spirits and singing vibrates our vagus nerve which reduces anxiety.
Cheering you on amidst the (constant) uncertainty!
PS - You know yourself better than anyone else. If you know that election season, clashing team personalities, or never feeling good enough at work is weighing you down, it might be the perfect time to allow yourself more support. I’m offering a Free 1 hour coaching call for high performing leaders just like you. It’s dedicated time to work through the biggest problem in your leadership right now. You’ll leave with a new tool or insight to take action on right away. You can schedule your free coaching session HERE.